Cherry Blossom Adventures

DC is known for many things, most of them decidedly political. That makes the famous spring cherry blossoms all the more special, considering it’s one of the few events whose buzzwords do not include “Trump,” “partisanship,” “foreign policy,” or “clusterfuck.” I think I went to see the blossoms in April, but again I’ve been lazy about sorting through my photos for something worth posting.

The day I went, it took around forty-five minutes to find parking, which is nothing out of the ordinary for cherry blossom season. It started off cloudy but cleared up later in the afternoon, giving me the opportunity to play with light in the photos. The weather was gorgeous, with temperatures in the low 70’s and trees in peak bloom. This, of course, brought masses of people whose main purpose appeared to be blocking my framing with their elbows. Oh well–you win some, you lose some, I guess 😉

Are the clouds moving in, or out?
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