Half a Post About Boulder

I spent a few very enjoyable days in Denver and Boulder back in–alright, a couple months ago now. Although the trip was fun, it rained pretty much the whole time, so I didn’t get much opportunity to take photos. Actually, that’s part of the reason I put off sorting through the photos I did take for so long: I was convinced there just weren’t any good ones in the bunch. And, well… I was kind of right. I decided to put a few of them up anyway, because I did spend a chunk of time taking and editing them.

I didn’t get a chance to take a single photo in Denver, because it was just too rainy. So that leaves me with those I got on my day-trip to Boulder, during the half-a-day of sunshine I had on the whole vacation.

And… here they are, in the gallery below. It’s a short little set this time around, and I got a bit excited with the editing tools on the last one (Surprisingly though, I don’t entirely hate the end result. Huh.)

A Very Impressive Weather Event
It's not mother nature's fault, it's just the editing tools!
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