Spring in DC, part I

As soon as spring break rolled around, I packed my bags and headed straight for DC. I had plenty of time to see old friends and old places, and to help my mother move into her new house(!). Change was in the air in more ways than one, and spring in DC is always glorious.  Although the cherry blossoms were still only buds, I was determined to photograph them anyway–and also to get some shots of those more chaotic (though just as photogenic) parts of the city.

[If you want photos of the cherries in full glorious blossom, I do have a whole post-full from last year that you can check out. The post is doubtless buried deep within the blog feed, but here’s a link: http://roseblack.net/2018/05/15/cherry-blossom-adventures/ ]

The photo set I’m uploading with this post is pretty thin, mainly because the bulk of this site is already DC streetscapes. Right now, I’d rather spend my time preparing photo sets that are a bit more unique. In that vein, I have at least three other promising sets I’ve been tinkering with, including the part II of this post (Remember? This was part I?). I’m also way overdue for an “around Champaign” post–I’ve been living here months now, for chrissakes! Honestly, I have enough decent photos sitting around on memory cards for two or three good-sized “around Champaign” sets, maybe more. I just have to get my sad ass to work on the editing/writing/uploading side of things!

Looks like there really wasn’t much to write about this post–maybe its purpose is more to whet one’s palate for part II than anything else? Or something like that.

If all goes according to plan, part ll will be a set of beach photos taken on a day-adventure outside DC. Featured critters include my mother, the darling dog, and one dubiously visible bald eagle.

~to be continued~

[Part II will be up within a week or so. Probably.]


Hampshire Mart
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